You searched for "Category : Sculpture"
Sculpture Painting is an art form widely accepted and celebrated by the world since a very early age. After witnessing dynamic changes and developments in the artistic expressionism of Sculpture Paintings, it has been characterized by a lexicon of materials. This form of painting set its course with materials that favoured many aspects of sculpting. These included bronze, metal, wood and marble. Many traditional Sculpture Paintings of today flawlessly adapt these materials for their unique qualities. But with time, modern Sculpture painting methods have given birth to endless opportunities to incorporate a mix of materials for creating a certain desired visual effect in the piece, regardless of their durability. This often makes it a fragile art form that is collected by connoisseurs across the globe. Embarking on a journey to discover artists who master Sculpture Paintings, Suchitrra Arts chooses to feature sculptures that are worth the efforts put into them.