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Devidas Dharmadhikari

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Is it possible for one to search his inner self in the relevant arenas of social bonding ?

It is very difficult to express one's own perception and self narrations of his inner self faithfully in the present age of globalization

The various characters in my work have been displayed with partly closed eyes with subdued vision and aptly demonstrate the thinking or thoughtful oneself engaged in the search of self identity of genre in the relevant arenas. It involves totally interemingling human sentiments like emotional attachements and ties of close knit relation. Hence, psychological invovlement, love, joy, passion, peace, eternity, almighty and other related forms always find due place in my work so as to decorate it with vivid forms of sentimental mindscapes of any sensitive human being.

I have displayed vivid forms of expressional creative search in quest for the real inner self in my work through artistic amalgamation of relevant textural effects and highlighting the desired rhythm and ensuring visual effects in the relevant prespectives of visual fine arts.

- Devidas Dharamadhikari